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Accelerated Teaching Programs

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Accelerated Teacher Certification Programs

Individuals who have earned a bachelors degree and want to teach in Pennsylvania schools may engage in an approved program of study to attain eligibility to be recommended for Pennsylvania Department of Education teacher certification.

The approved program of study (a configuration of courses based on the transcript review) must meet Pennsylvania’s competency requirements for teachers. Keystone does not issue a certificate; however, students who meet the requirements can be recommended for PDE certification.

Students who are interested in applying for these programs should complete the Accelerated Teacher Preparation Application and select the desired teacher preparation program (non-degree) from the drop-down menu within the application. Official college transcripts from all schools attended must also be submitted to the Keystone College Office of Admissions.

Accelerated/Intern Certification Programs

Jeanie Prall

Teacher Certification Programs

Accelerated Certification Program: Art Education

The accelerated certification program is designed to provide individuals, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree in visual arts or a related field, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania.

The program targets the development of skilled individuals, who can utilize best practices for planning and preparing environments and instruction in K -12 classrooms.

A PDE approved program of study must be successfully completed with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.00, including prerequisites required for recommendation for certification and 150 hours of fieldwork. All education majors require a 3.00 GPA to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00 GPA to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00 GPA in psychology, education, special education and art content courses. Students must obtain a “C” or better in the content courses for the major.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. A letter grade of “B” or better is the minimum grade for each student teaching course. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.  Enrollment in this program requires a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree in the art field.



  • EDUC 3001 Formal Acceptance
  • EDUC  1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • EDUC 2135 Teaching in the Secondary School (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3150 Art Education Media & Methods/Elementary (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155 Developmental Assessment I or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4165 Art Education Media & Methods/Secondary (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Education (3 cr.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2110 Characteristics and Needs of Exceptional Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3110 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration & Transitions

 Field Experiences are required each semester.

*** In addition, based on review by student’s art advisor, additional coursework may be necessary in the art content area.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take prior to student teaching:

  • PRAXIS II 0511 or 5511 Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge
  • PRAXIS II 0134 or 5134 Art Content Knowledge

Student Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4730  Student Teaching Art Education
  • EDUC 4745 Student Teaching
  • GRAD 0000

Accelerated Certification Program: Early Childhood Education PreK—Grade 4

The accelerated certification program in early childhood is designed to provide individuals, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, who can utilize best practices for planning and preparing environments and instruction in early childhood education classrooms.

A PDE approved program of study must be successfully completed with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.00, including prerequisites required for recommendation for certification and 150 hours of fieldwork. All education majors require a 3.00 GPA to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00 GPA to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00 GPA in psychology, early childhood education, and special education. Students must obtain a “C” or better in the content courses for the major. Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. A letter grade of “B” or better is the minimum grade for each student teaching course. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.

Academic Plan


  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • PSYC 2190 Child Development I or PSYC 2195 Child Development II or PSYC 3165 Cognition and Learning (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3120 Curriculum & Methods: Mathematics (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3125 Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3130 Curriculum and Methods: Science (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3135 Early Literacy Foundations (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3001 Formal Acceptance
  • EDUC 3155 Developmental Assessment or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II (3cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3230 Teaching Reading (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Education (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2110 Characteristics & Needs of Exceptional Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3110 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration, and Transitions (3 cr.)

Field Experiences are required each semester.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take before student teaching:

  • Pre-K-4 Module 1: Child Dev, Assessment, Professionalism (8006)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 2: Lang, Social Stud, Arts (8007)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 3: Math, Science, Health (8008)

Supervised Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4720 – Student Teaching
  • EDUC 4725 – Student Teaching
  • GRAD 0000

Accelerated Certification Program: Early Childhood Education/Special Education (PreK-12)

The Early Childhood / Special Education accelerated certification program is designed to provide individuals, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, who can utilize best practices for planning and preparing environments and instruction in early childhood education classrooms.

A PDE approved program of study must be successfully completed with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.00, including prerequisites required for recommendation for certification and 150 hours of fieldwork. All education majors require a 3.00 GPA to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00 GPA to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00 GPA in psychology, early childhood education, and special education.

Students must obtain a “C” or better in the content courses for the major. Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. A letter grade of “B” or better is the minimum grade for each student teaching course. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.

Academic Plan


  • EDUC 3001 Formal Acceptance
  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • PSYC 2190 Child Development I or PSYC 2195 Child Development II or PSYC 3165
    Cognition and Learning (3 cr.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3120 Curriculum & Methods: Mathematics (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3125 Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3130 Curriculum and Methods: Science (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3135 Early Literacy Foundations (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155 Developmental Assessment or EDUC 3165 – Developmental Assessment II (3cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3230 Teaching Reading (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Ed. (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2110 Characteristics & Needs of Exceptional Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2115 – Special Education Processes and Procedures (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2120 – Early Intervention & Transitions (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3110 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3120 – Low Incidence Disabilities: Assessment & Instruction (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3125 – Evidence-Based Strategies (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3130 – Learning Disabilities: Identification & Instruction (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3140 – Transition Planning (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration, & Transitions (3 cr.)

Field Experiences are required each semester.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take student teaching:

  • Pre-K-4 Module 1: Child Dev, Assessment, Professionalism (8006)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 2: Lang, Social Stud, Arts (8007)
  • Pre-K-4 Module 3: Math, Science, Health (8008)
  • Special Ed PK – 12 Foundational Knowledge 5355

Student Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4710 or 4715 Special Education
  • EDUC 4720 or EDUC 4725 Early Childhood Education
  • GRAD 0000

Accelerated Certification Program: Math Education


The Math Education accelerated certification program is designed to provide individuals, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals who can utilize best practices for planning and preparing environments and instruction in 7-12 classrooms.

A PDE approved program of study must be successfully completed with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.00, including prerequisites required for recommendation for certification and 150 hours of fieldwork. All education majors require a 3.00 GPA to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00 GPA to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00 GPA in psychology, education, special education and math content courses. Students must obtain a “C” or better in the content courses for the major.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. A letter grade of “B” or better is the minimum grade for each student teaching course. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.

Academic Plan


  • MATH 1150 College Mathematics II (3 cr.)
  • MATH 2150 Calculus I (4 cr.)
  • MATH 2110 Mathematics Through History (3 cr.)
  • MATH 2115 Statistics (3 cr.)
  • MATH 3130 Linear Algebra (3 cr. Spring) or MATH 3135 Abstract Algebra (3 cr.)
  • MATH 3115 Discrete Mathematics (3 cr.)
  • MATH 2155 Calculus II (4 cr.)
  • Any 2000 level or higher math course. (3 cr.)
  • MATH  3130 Linear Algebra (3 cr. Spring) or MATH 3135 Abstract Algebra (3 cr.)
  • MATH 3125 Geometry (3 cr.)
  • MATH 3120 Statistics and Research (3 cr.)
  • MATH 3200   Mathematics Education and methods: Secondary Schools


  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • EDUC 2135 Teaching in the Secondary School (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155 Developmental Assessment I or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II
  • EDUC 3200 Mathematics Education and Methods: Secondary Schools (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Education (3 cr.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2110 Characteristics and Needs of Exceptional Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3110 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration & Transitions

Field Experiences are required each semester.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take prior to student teaching:

  • PRAXIS II   5161 Math: Content Knowledge

Supervised Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4740: Student Teaching at the Middle Level – 6 credits
  • EDUC 4745: Student Teaching at the Secondary Level – 6 credits
  • GRAD 0000

Accelerated Certification Program: Social Studies Education

The Social Studies Education accelerated certification program is designed to provide individuals, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, who can utilize best practices for planning and preparing environments and instruction in 7-12 classrooms.

A PDE approved program of study must be successfully completed with an overall minimum grade point average of 3.00, including prerequisites required for recommendation for certification and 150 hours of fieldwork. All education majors require a 3.00 GPA to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00 GPA to continue in the program as well as a combine cumulative 3.00 GPA in psychology, education, special education and social studies content courses. Students must obtain a “C” or better in the content courses for the major.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. A letter grade of “B” or better is the minimum grade for each student teaching course. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.

Academic Plan


  • EDUC 3001 Formal Acceptance
  • ECON 2110 Principles of Economics I (3 cr.) or Econ 2115 Principles of Economics II
  • GEOG 1110 Introduction to Geography (3 cr.) or GEOG 3110 Cultural Geography (3 cr.)
  • HIST 1130 U.S. History I (3 cr.)
  • HIST 1135 U.S. History II (3 cr.)
  • HIST 2120 The Making of the Modern World (3 cr.) or HIST 1115 Western Civilization
  • POSC 1110 American Government (3 cr.) or POSC 2110 State/Local Government (3 cr.)
  • POSC/HIST 3000 level elective (3 cr.)
  • PSYC 1110 General Psychology (3 cr.)
  • SOCI 1110 Introduction to Sociology (3 cr.) or SOCI 2125 The Family (3 cr.)


  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • EDUC 2135 Teaching in the Secondary School (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155 Developmental Assessment I or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II
  • EDUC 3175 Secondary Curriculum and Methods:  Social Studies (3cr.)
  • EDUC 3195 Instructional Strategies for Content Area Reading (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Education (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2110 Characteristics and Needs of Exceptional Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3110 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration & Transitions

Field Experiences are required each semester.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take prior to student teaching:

  • PRAXIS II   0081 or 5081 Social Studies: Content Knowledge (7-12)

Supervised Teaching Experience (12 credits)

  • EDUC 4740: Student Teaching – 6 credits
  • EDUC 4745: Student Teaching – 6 credits
  • GRAD 0000

Accelerated Certification Program: Special Education

The accelerated certification program in special education is designed to provide individuals, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree, with coursework that can lead to teaching certification in Pennsylvania. The program targets the development of skilled individuals, who can utilize best practices for planning and preparing environments and instruction in special education classrooms.

A PDE approved program of study must be successfully completed with an overall 161 Keystone College 2020-2021 Catalog 162 minimum grade point average of 3.00, including prerequisites required for recommendation for certification and 150 hours of fieldwork. All education majors require a 3.00 to gain admission to the program and a cumulative 3.00 GPA to continue in the program as well as a combined cumulative 3.00 GPA in psychology, early childhood education and special education.

Students earning lower than a “C” must retake the course. A letter grade of “B” or better is the minimum grade for each student teaching course. Students earning lower than a “B” must retake the course.

Academic Plan

  • EDUC 3001 Formal Acceptance
  • EDUC 1710-1740 Field Observation/Participation
  • ECE 3120 Curriculum & Methods: Mathematics (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3125 Curriculum and Methods: Social Studies (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3130 Curriculum and Methods: Science (3 cr.)
  • ECE 3135 Early Literacy Foundations (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3155 Developmental Assessment or EDUC 3165 Developmental Assessment II (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3210 Teaching English Language Learners (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 3230 Teaching Reading (3 cr.)
  • EDUC 4910 Seminar: Contemporary Issues, Research and Ethics in Education (3 cr.)
  • PSYC 2190 Child Development I or PSYCH 2195 Child Development II or PSYC 3165 Cognition and Learning (3 cr.)
  • PSYC 2205 Psychology of Adolescence (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2110 Characteristics & Needs of Exceptional Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2115 Special Education Processes and Procedures (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 2120 Early Intervention & Transitions (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3110 Classroom Management (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3115 Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3120 Low Incidence Disabilities:  Assessment & Instruction (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3125 Evidence-Based Strategies (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3130 Learning Disabilities: Identification & Instruction (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 3140 Transition Planning (3 cr.)
  • SPEC 4110 Family Partnerships, Advocacy, Collaboration, and Transitions (3 cr.)

Field Experiences are required each semester.

Students must present evidence of attempting to take prior student teaching:

  • Special Education PK – 12 Foundational Knowledge 5355
  • Fundamental Subjects Content Knowledge (5511/0511)

Student Teaching Experience – 12 credits

  • EDUC 4710 – Student Teaching Special Education
  • EDUC 4715 – Student Teaching
  • GRAD 0000

Teacher Intern Certification Program

Keystone College is approved to offer the Teacher Intern Certificate to qualified accelerated students in the following areas:

  • Art Education PreK – grade 12
  • Early Childhood Education – PreK – grade 4
  • Mathematics Education, grades 7-12
  • Social Studies Education, grades 7-12
  • Special Education, PreK – grade 12

This professional certificate allows the student to hold a full-time or long-term substitute position in their certification area.  The Teacher Intern Certificate Program is an alternative route to certification through an approved program provider.  The certificate is valid for three service years and the candidate must be continuously enrolled in the program once the certificate is issued.  To apply for the Teacher Intern Certificate Program, the candidate must:

  • Have a bachelor’s degree from an approved college or university
  • Pass state-mandated certification tests
  • Have a 3.0 GPA
  • Complete all coursework
  • Have current clearances
  • Be formally accepted into the Education Program
  • Complete an Education Department Screening


Successful Giants

Angela Ceccarelli '22

Accelerated Art Teaching Certificate and 2020 Pennsylvania ASCD Mary Ravita Scholarship award winner.
Read more about Angela.

Nicole Thomas '23

Special Education Accelerated Certificate and 2023 Pennsylvania ASCD Mary Ravita Scholarship award winner. Read more about Nicole.

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